Friday, April 2, 2010

This post is not about food

I am published!  Today The Bark magazine's April?May issue arrived at my door and there it is on page 46 - a picture of Murphy and my article: "Tips on Unemployment from my Four-Legged Friend" by... me!

I'm not sure if it's going to be easy to read here but they haven't released the electronic version of this issue yet so it's not on their website.  I'm so excited - my first published (and paid for) article!

I couldn't have done it without my mom (her writing genes and her assistance reading and editing).

More food later... Gotta send some emails.

Chow for now! :)


  1. yo! I'm really proud of you. this is a great thing. You're a very talented writer. :)

  2. Are you affiliated with the same Epicurean Expressions that serve food at GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals in Hamilton, Montana?
