Friday, May 21, 2010

Do you like your Kit Kats spicy? Me neither.

I just thought this was one of the crazier food reviews I've seen online... Found on - one of my fave food blogs.... Wasabi Kit Kat!?!  Apparently it is famous in Japan and is actually kind of...good!  (According to Cakespy, but I'd be willing to try it myself). 

Check out the review and photo here.

Apparently the candy bar also comes in the following unusual flavors: Pickled Plum, Lemon vinegar, Cucumber, Yakimorokoshi (grilled corn), Pepper, Apple Vinegar, Veggie, Soy Sauce.  I think I'll probably stick to regular good old milk chocolate for now.  Although a future visit to Japan may entice me to try them all.

Have you tried any unusal candies while traveling outside of the US that you would (or would never) recommend?  Do tell!

Chow for now! :)

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